Игроки 12 Опесание In this map two teams fight. One team consists on sheeps that build towers to defend themselves. The other team tries to kill sheeps by getting units and such. Автор MD Team
Игроки 1v1 Опесание Complete Change of the Human Race. Using the Booty Bay level, all other races are the same. Gameplay is fairly well balanced, with a few exceptions.. have fun!! Версия 4,5
Игроков 6 Опесание Hydra Ranchers FFA |c00ff0000 If your |cff32cd32 Hydra|c00ffffff Spawner Dies|c00ff0000 , You Lose |c00ff0000 Destroy Enemy |cff32cd32 Hydra |c00ffffffSpawners|c00ff0000 to Win Build various towers to Defend Your Base Автор панчо vs ток